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Mounting an SFTP Partition with AutoFS: A Handy Guide

3 min read

Embarking on the journey of setting up a partition via SFTP on CentOS?

Look no further! Ensuring constant availability, especially during crucial backups, is paramount. Let’s delve into how to mount this securely and keep it always connected.

1. The Appeal of SFTP

SFTP, or Secure File Transfer Protocol, stands out as the go-to choice for securely transferring files. It encrypts data, shielding your exchanges from prying eyes. A prime pick for those valuing both security and ease.

2. Setting up SSHFS for Remote Mounting

Enter SSHFS—a bridge that enables you to access a remote filesystem as seamlessly as accessing a local disk. And all this, with the security of SFTP.

Step by Step:

Install SSHFS:

sudo yum install sshfs

Establish a Mount Point:

Create a directory for mounting your remote filesystem.

sudo mkdir /mnt/my_sftp_partition

Auto-mounting using AutoFS

AutoFS is a service that auto-mounts filesystems as they’re accessed and unmounts them after some inactivity, which can be especially useful for networked file systems like SSHFS.

You’ll need to use an SSH key to avoid prompts. See my article if you don’t have an SSH key yet :

Having a consistently mounted SFTP partition is grand, but what happens when there’s a hiccup? Guaranteeing consistent availability means monitoring the connection and re-establishing it if needed.

Here, autofs steals the spotlight. It’s a service that auto-mounts filesystems as they’re accessed and unmounts them after some inactivity.

Install Autofs:

sudo yum install autofs

Configure AutoFS for SSHFS:

To set up autofs with SSHFS, create a mapping file. Let’s name it /etc/auto.sshfs:

my_sftp_partition -fstype=fuse,reconnect,port=22,IdentityFile=/path_to_your_key/.ssh/id_rsa :sshfs\#username@server_address\:/path/to/folder

It’s important to start with “:” before sshfs and you need to escape “:” and “#”

Then, update the autofs master configuration /etc/auto.master and append the following line:

/mnt /etc/auto.sshfs --timeout=60

Restart the autofs service to apply changes:

sudo systemctl restart autofs

Understanding AutoFS’s On-Demand Mounting

One of the defining features of AutoFS is its on-demand mounting. If you’re new to this, here’s what it means: After setting up AutoFS, you might peer into your /mnt directory (or wherever you’ve set up the mount point) and be momentarily baffled. “Where’s my mounted partition?” you might ask.

This is the beauty and efficiency of AutoFS at work. Instead of keeping the filesystem mounted perpetually, AutoFS mounts it dynamically the moment you attempt to access it. So, while it might seem like your SFTP partition isn’t mounted, the moment you try to read or write to the specified mount point, AutoFS springs into action and establishes the connection.

This dynamic approach is incredibly efficient:

  1. Resource Conservation: It ensures that system resources aren’t tied up maintaining connections that aren’t in use.
  2. Reduced Latency: Because the connection is established on-the-fly, you’re always getting a fresh connection, which can sometimes reduce potential latency issues.
  3. Flexibility: It’s adaptable. If, for any reason, the remote server is temporarily unreachable, AutoFS will simply attempt to reconnect the next time you try to access the mount point.

So, when you’re navigating through your filesystem, don’t be alarmed if you don’t immediately see your partition mounted. It’s there, waiting in the wings, ready to connect when called upon!

Monitoring and Maintenance

Even with AutoFS, it’s important to monitor the status of the mounted filesystem. While AutoFS handles disconnection well, staying alert ensures that any discrepancies can be acted upon swiftly.

In Summary

There it is – a robust system for mounting, watching over, and maintaining an SFTP partition on CentOS. Regular tests are vital to ensure all runs smoothly, especially if it’s the chosen method for backups.

Remember, technology is a powerful ally, but vigilance is key. Monitor, test, and rest easy knowing those backups are safeguarded.

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